Learning Centres / Branches
Wednesday @ Point Cook / Featherbrook
Featherbrook Community Centre
33-35 Windorah Dr, Point Cook VIC 3030
SUNDAY @ Truganina
Star Talent Foundation Studio
Unit 4, 20 Prosperity St, Truganina VIC 3029
2025 School Term Dates
Term 1 9th Feb – 6th Apr
Term 2 4th May – 29th Jun
Term 3 20th Jul – 14th Sep
Term 4 12th Oct – 7th Dec
Fee Structure
Beginners (RNBB1, RNBB2) ——————————– $230 per term
Intermediate (RNBI1, RNBI2, RNBI3, RNBI4)————— $280 per term
Advanced (RNBA1) —————————————— Please Enquire
Advanced (RNBA2 Arangetram)—————————- Please Enquire
Bollywood Beginners (BOLLY1) ———————— $220 per term
Bollywood Intermediate (BOLLY2) ——————– $250 per term
Bharatanatyam and Bollywood:
Beginners: $330 per term.
Intermediate: $380 per term.
If you join for less than a full term, you will be charged on per class basis
Beginners – Classical ———————————– $30 per class
Intermediate – Classical ——————————- $35 per class
Advanced – Classical ———————————- Enquire
Beginners – Bollywood ——————————- $23 per class
Intermediate – Bollywood ————————— $25 per class
Admission: There is a compulsory $65 administration charge for all new students this includes dance uniform.
Fee: Term fee must be paid in FULL and in ADVANCE by Cash/EFTPOS/Bank Transfer before the 2nd class of the term or else students will risk exclusion from classes and programmes. Please ask for a receipt if you are paying by cash for your records. If you are doing a bank transfer, please ensure you include your child’s name in the description and send a screenshot to Archana for our records.
Bank Details:
Bendigo Bank
Rachana Natyalaya
BSB: 633 000
Account: 150 781 367
Please ensure you include your child’s name and term in the description and send a screenshot
Dance Session
Weekly one session (45min). The number of classes varies each term and the fee is on a term basis.
More than one child from the same family (excluding cousins and relatives) will be given a 10% discount on the total fee.
No classes will be conducted on statutory/public holidays.
If a student misses a class, the class will not be covered. In case the school has to cancel a class due to some unforeseen circumstances, a substitute class will be arranged.
The term fee must be paid in FULL at the beginning of each term, else your child will not be allowed in the class.
No refunds are allowed on any classes you miss. If you decide to stop classes at any point during the term, there will strictly be no refunds for remaining classes.